Thursday, December 28, 2017

2017 statistics - Category 2

Below are some statistics from Polish FIFe catshows regarding category 2.
You can find the breed individual statistics by selecting any of the links below.

American Curls (ACL/ACS)
Maine Coon (MCO)
Neva Masquerade (NEM)
Norwegian Forest Cat (NFO)
Siberian (SIB)
Turkish Angora (TUA)

There were -3.38% less entries for category 2 cats during 2017 than there were entries during 2016.

55.62% of all category 2 entries were for Maine Coons.
The chart shows the amounts of category 2 cats in percentages compared to other category 2 breeds.
 20.35% of all entries (all breeds and categories) were for maine coon.
% amount of entries compared with all breed amounts.

To compare 2016 to 2017 (total amounts of cats) there is a slight increase in most of the breeds.
 But when compared "inside the category" the amounts have almost stayed the same.

56.17% of all category 2 entries were for female cats.
 and 20.54% of all breed entries were category 2 females.
The amount of females has gone up from 2016.
Following are charts showing the popularity of colors
Most popular color was n 09 22, 5.79% of all entries from category 2 during 2017 were of this color.

and 2.12% of all (total amount of cats) were of this color.

n (black) was the most popular base color. 32.38% of all category 2 entries were black.

and 11.84% of all category 2 cats were black when compared to all breed total amount.

48% of category 2 cats did not have any white markings.

and 38% of all category 2 entries were blotched tabby (22).

The chart below shows the amounts of entries per show class in category 2. 29.55% of entries were for class 9 (open class)
 and a comparison to 2016.

The amount of neuters has gone down, same as amount of adult cats (classes 1-10).
 Absence percentage for category 2 was 11.62% in total
 and 0.18% of all category 2 entries were disqualified.
 Below is a chart showing how many percentages of category 2 cats got nominated, how many got BIS and what is the percentage of going from NOM to BIS.
 Following judges evaluated category 2 cats during 2017.
 When the top 7 judges from 2017 have their amounts changed to percentages, Mirek Skotarczyk evaluated 5.58% of all category 2 entries followed closely by Mrs. Helene Reiter with 5.52%.
Majority of category 2 cats were assigned to Polish judges.
During 2016 26.80% of category 2 entries were on Polish judges when during 2017 this number was 22.24%.
If you want to check out more statistics, take a look here.

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