Show stats

This page is dedicated for giving you some links to statistics created from the data gathered from webpage and due human errors there might be mistakes in the data or in the graphs presented.

The purpose of this is to gather the data, analyze it and hopefully have a deeper insight to the catshows. When in future I finish up fixing the historical data, then accurate comparisons can be made throughout the years.

I am doing this on my free time and without any pay, so delays might occur. If you are interested of some specific data, please do not hesitate to contact me via email.

Statistics from Polish Cat Shows 2018 
The statistics for 2018 will be gathered here.

Statistics from Polish Cat Shows 2017 
The statistics for 2017 can be found from the link above.
2017 breed statistics are fully completed.

Statistics from Polish Cat Shows 2016
The statistics for 2016 can be found from the link above.
2016 breed statistics are fully completed.

Statistics from Polish Cat Shows 2015
The statistics for 2015 can be found from the link above.
2015 breed statistics are fully completed.

Statistics per breed and year *UPDATED*
For easy comparison between different years

Statistics per show class and year *UPDATED*
For easy  comparison of statistics per show class and year.

2015 vs 2016 shows 
Lord of Frost Via Nocturna - SIA b 03 21

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