Thursday, March 1, 2012

What guide next ?

Dear readers, as the popularity of my flower treating guide, I am giving now You option to choose what I will be making a guide of next. You can see the poll option on the left side, so feel free to make your selection ! The poll will be running only for couple days.

Thank you !

~ Her Highness, The Slavemaster of Humankind, Ultimate Destroyer of The Worlds (and bearer of other fancy but suitable titles) Lilith The Mighty Minikitten

Ja sama aanestysvaihtoehdot suomeksi ylhaalta alas:)
- Mestarikokki Lilith esittelee keittionsa
- Lilith kertoo kaiken kissanmintun vaaroista
- Ohje Ihmisorjille "Kuinka kohtelet kissaasi oikein"
- Lilith ja taydellisen unen salaisuudet

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