Monday, June 12, 2017

2016 statistics - Turkish Van

Below you can find the statistics for breed "Turkish Van". As earlier, the data has been gathered from website and due human errors there might be mistakes.

During 2016 there were 6 Turkish vans in the show (amount of entries, not individual cats). This means that 0,06% of the cats signed for shows were Turkish vans (0,49% of category 1 cats.)
Out of the 6 entries, they were 5 individual cats.

For the sex, the split was 50% for females and 50% for males. No litter classes were presented during 2016.

For the color 50% of the entries were f 21 and another 50% d 62.

Cats were shown three times in open class and three times in class 12.

Absence rate was 33,3%, meaning one third of the signed entries did not appear to the show.

The Turkish vans were evaluated all by different judges.

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