Tuesday, December 18, 2012


So, Christmas is coming, and many of you are busy preparing for this jolly season. We've been quite busy as well.

Mommy took our dear Oritentul Kira to meet this wonderful guy, called Garfield. And I think those two are having some sort of a lovestory going on... I promised to help Mommy to start updating our catteryblog with the latest news and also news of Kiras progress to become a mommy herself. I think this makes me an aunt or something!

Before Christmas hits, there will be still a special post or two coming from me. So do not worry. I have not forgotten you my dear readers.

And next year... Well... Guides will be back on 2-3 guides per month. But for this I need YOUR help. What would you like to read in my guides? Where you need my guiding paw to survive in your life better? Please leave your suggestions below to comments, so I can start utilizing my Mommy better to help me write. These darn paws are just not working so well on keyboard...

And as Christmas is time of being together and loving each other, I think the following picture tells its story. It is time for all of us to put the stress away and go sleep with the kittenpile.
Stay tuned, and soon there will be time for my special Christmas posts.

~ Lilith The Mighty Minikitten

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