Monday, May 7, 2012

Lodz show weekend

Past weekend was busy for us, as on Fri afternoon we began our travel towards Lodz to attend the catshow over there. We reached the hotel on good times and we settled for a good night sleep.

Everything just not went as planned. I got bit bored at the night and decided to roam around and check my surroundings. I climbed on top of the cabinet and BOOM I fell down into this pit of darkness. I cried for Mommy and moment later I heard her getting up from bed and calling for me. I meowed, telling her where I was, but she could not find me first... then I heard her gasp and swear and run out from the room telling me "everything will be ok, mommy will get help". There I was, trapped behind 2 1/2m tall cabinet inside a hole in size of 10x20cm, barely able to move. It felt like a great dragon had swallowed me whole. Moments later mommy returned with a security guy and they were thinking of what to do. The cabinet was glued to the wall (gogo polish design!) and only way to release me from the grasp of dragon was to take it apart. Hour passed and another brave knight joined the fight to release me. They took the cabinet apart piece by piece and finally I saw light. I ran like I've never ran before and hid under the bed. I was still so scared. My body was aching due being stuck in the small hole and I was so afraid of all the noises. By 3:30am the cabinet was fixed again and the brave knights left us.

At the morning we went to the catshow. I was placed second amongst 3 females. I have to say I was not feeling my best after no sleep at night and all the stress. We pushed it through and mommy took me from the showplace having my harness on and we walked to the hotel. It was so nice and warm. I met many interesting people on the way, many stopped and smiled to us, as well as I met this big german shepard who licked my coat! At hotel we went to sleep quite early, both of us exhausted. On Sunday my back began to hurt. I tried to be brave and let mommy stretch me to the show position but I couldnt. I was hurting too much. We got placed 3rd in our class, but in specialty show I won title "Magic Cat". We got a big trophy to take home with us. After the show we left with friends to go back home. I was tired and slept all the way.

 Today, Monday morning, we went to see the vet as my back is still hurting some. He gave me some painkillers and looks like there is no bad damage, just some musclepains. So we wait now and be careful for the days to come. I would really like to thank Ibis Hotel Lodz for their speed response for my call at the night and help to rescue me from the evil dragon. You two brave knights in shiny armor... you are true knights! :)

 ~ Lilith

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