Thursday, February 2, 2012

Remember your furry friends... it is COLD outside !

Dear Readers,

The weather is freezing outside. It is not a place for any cat or dog to stay for long. During these cold nights, many of our furry friends freeze to death in the cold winter night. If you see an animal outside shivering, take it inside and call to the local animal shelter for further instructions if you do not know who's pet it is. If you cannot catch the animal, let the shelter know, the might have experienced people to come and help you out. This weather is not meant for housepets or even for "wild" pets.

"Now closed is the door,
Kitten feels the cold more.
She lays down there,
In the cold air.
Eyes closing slowly,
She drifts to sleep and into her dreams.

The embrace of cold is deadly,
But the dream is taking her deeply.
She walks to the rainbow bridge,
Which is her privilege.
There sun will always shine,
And no cold is in the skyline.
Now sleeps the kitten forever,
No cold, hunger,thirst ever.
She enjoys the lasting summer days
And bathes in sunrays.

Left alone
To be on her own
She crossed the bridge
Like so many before."

Do not let the winter take any more pets across the rainbow bridge. We, the animals, might have no choice if we are thrown out to the streets, but you, Human... you can make the difference and offer us a shelter or even a small nest and warm water and food to survive until the temperatures get better.
Please... Do not turn your back and help those who does not have a choice.

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