Monday, January 8, 2018

2015 statistics - Burmilla (BML)

Below are the statistics for Burmilla (BML) from year 2015 in Polish FIFe catshows.

There were total of 73 entries.

Majority (60%) of entries were for females.
 Most popular color was ns 11.
 The cats were entered to classes as follows. Class 12 was by far the most popular show class having almost 35% of all entries in it.
 52% of entries were for kitten/junior classes (11 and 12). Almost 48% were for adult classes (1-10) and out of those adults 8.57% were neuters.
 Absence percentage was 15.06%. Even class 12 was the most popular one, it did not have any absences in it.
 The entries gained results as follows.
 24.65% of all BML entries were nominated and 8.21% gained BIS. This comes to 33.33% of all nominated entries gaining BIS.
 BIS results were gained in following show classes.
 12.32% of all BML entries received BIV.
 BIVs were given in following classes.
 and for the following colors.
 20.54% of BML entries were assigned to Mr. Irek Pruchniak.
 Below is list in percentages of absences per judge
Mr. Henry Hornell - 50%
Mr. Jaroslav Panek - 100%
Mr. Sebastian Pruchniak - 62.5%
Mrs. Kveta Mahelkova - 16.66%

52.05% of all BML entries were evaluated by Polish judges.
 Majority of entries were presented in shows held in Warsaw.
 and in shows organized by SMK Jedynka.
If you want to check out more statistics, take a look here.

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