Tuesday, December 19, 2017

2017 statistics - Ragdoll

Below you can find the show statistics from Polish FIFe-shows for year 2017.

During 2017 there were 32% increase in the amount of ragdoll entries compared to the previous year.
 Majority of the entries were for females.
 The most popular color was n 03 followed by a 03. These two colors covered 44% of all ragdoll entries.
 Below is a table showing the color popularity placement during 2015-2017. The top five colors pretty much hold their popularity placements.
 Looking at the "base" color, n was the most popular (46.95% of all entries).
 The below chart shows the percentages of entries by base color during 2015-2017.
 Majority of ragdoll entries were bicolor (03).
 Bicolor has stayed the most popular during 2015-2017.
 83% of the ragdoll entries did not have any tabby markings.
 The below chart shows the amount of entries per show class during 2017.
 And amounts of entries in percentages during 2015-2017.

Only 5.57% of all entries were for neuters in classes 1-10.
 The results given were as follows. There were in total 3 disqualifications given during the year.
 The absence percentage for ragdolls has been on rise since 2015.
 During 2017 29.73% of all ragdoll entries were nominated.
 12.33% gained Best in Show.
 This comes to 41.49% of all nominated cats receiving BIS.
 Below chart shows the amount of entries being given Best in Variety in percentages.
 BIVs were given to colors as follows.
 and per show class.
 Mrs. Magdalena Kudra evaluated the most ragdolls. This is 7.36% of all ragdoll entries.
 Polish judges had most ragdolls assigned to them, followed closely by Norwegian judges.
 The below chart shows the amounts of entries per month. There were no shows in August.
 and amount of entries as average per show.
 Warsaw had the most ragdoll entries during 2017.
 and last, chart showing the amounts of entries per organizing club.
If you want to check out more statistics, you can find them from here.

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