Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Lilith's Guide for Sleeping

Sleeping... such a wonderful thing. Being able to lay down and relax and enjoy the moments in the land of dreams. We, the cats, are champions of sleeping and other animals (and also you, dear humanslaves, have a lot to learn from us).
Tho as it sounds easy and straightforward, sometimes there are a lot of science involved behind it. Let me show you how it is done!

1. Selecting the appropriate sleeping place
When you get drowsy, or just feel like not bothering with the mortals anymore, you need to find good place to crash. I'd suggest picking up a quiet corner somewhere and just put your ignore mode on while the sweet dreams take you to wonderful places.
Sir Warre and two orientals demonstrate a nice, comfy bed as proper sleeping place.
2. Choosing your bed
There are variety of beds available. Some like to sleep on the floor - not me!, some enjoy soft pillows or nests and some just like to go under the blankets and relax. If nothing else, you can always use your right to use the pillow of your humanslaves and sleep on it to demonstrate that there is no bed worthy of your attention in the house. If humanslave insists on not buying you appropriate bed, then at the evening just use your paw to show your humanslave his worth and make him sleep without the pillow.
Here Siru is demonstrating how a comfortable princess bed looks like

3. Choosing the sleeping style
There are variety styles involved in sleeping. In the pictures below me and my assistants are showing you some of the styles. You can also choose to sleep with the style you like to.
The Burgers - Just pile up on top of each other and enjoy the heat. Tho to be comfortable for everyone, remember that the smallest goes on top!
Like a king - Blackrock is showing how a proper sleeping throne looks like. With this style it is important to be alone and show your minions your worth by occasionally taking a glance towards them so they know to keep worshiping you while you travel in the dreamland
The Pile - Small bed and many cats. All piled up on top of each other and more are joining the fun as time passes. Note the same as with burger-style, smallest ones go on the top. This style goes well if you like company of others, but for some, like me, it is just not meant to be. I like my solitude!
The Tortilla - During cold days it is good to wrap yourself into the blankets and make a tortilla out of yourself. Works every time. 
Let me demonstrate to you Monorail position. Put your paws around the "bed" and let them fall towards the ground and relax. My favorite position,

4. When to sleep ?
There is no right or wrong time to sleep. You sleep when you feel like it. It is morning, day or night... Every time around the clock is correct time. Tho I'd prefer mornings and days, as at night it is more fun to run around the apartment at 3am meowing like crazy and chasing the pink elephants and fairies. So remember my feline friends, morning and day you should dedicate for the art of sleeping so you are well rested for the night hunt. Tonight, sharpen your claws and join me in the hunt of the magical creatures at 3am!

5. Selecting correct channel from dreamvision TV
Some dreams can be quite boring. Come on, who wants to watch a rerun of some boring soap opera. As we, the cats, are champions in the art of sleeping, we can select the appropriate dreams to watch. Best ones are the ones modeling reality - where we are worshiped as gods like during the times of Ancient Egypt. This should be still the case for you at your kingdom. Humanslaves are meant for pampering and worshiping us.

6. Midnight snack
Sometimes the dreams keep us busy, but our belly monsters awake us from the sweet land of dreams. This is something you need to be prepared. So make sure you have something good to eat right next to you. You can always also wake up your humanslave to give you some food by screaming from starvation straight to his ear.

Me and my McDonalds fries. Never can get enough!
So thats it for now folks! Now it is time to go lay in the sun and gather reserves for the cold and dark winter time. We cats work on the solar power, so now it starts to be last possible moments for filling up the batteries. Or you can demand your humanslave to send you for winter to Mauritius as an example.

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