Monday, January 26, 2015

Year 2014

Finally finding a moment to recap our year 2014...

From shows, it was quite a nice year.
NW'14 GIC Mazzystar Catmania*PL, JW - our dear Miziu Miziu gained 11x BIS results and was the best adult male in category 4 in Poland... and achieved his first NW title.
Asnee Via Nocturna*PL, JW - was the third best youngster/kitten in Poland for 2014.
and our housecat Lilith - 11th best showcat in whole Poland (almost 2400 cats in total!). Best Housecat of 2014. 13x BIS out of 16 shows!
Huttul (Konigsegg Van Crystaltina) and Ladul (Lady withred Van Crystaltina) both gained their CH titles during the year.
Blackrock Via Nocturna*PL - got 2x BIS results from kitten class.
IC Rimppakintun Aamuvarhain - received his PR title this year.

Our second litter was born also during 2014. Sire was our (now castrated) IC & PR Rimppakintun Aamuvarhain and dam was Lady. Five kittens were born, from which we lost one (Banshee) at young age. Banshee had some severe changes in his brain that ended up him having seizures and loss of appetite. I still remember like yesterday, the morning when I found him cold and stiff on the floor, sleeping in his vomit and pee. By a miracle, and I mean miracle, he pushed through it and when it looked like all was going better, he began having seizures and his condition crashed down on one evening. On the next day while he was at vet, under anesthetics, sleeping and resting after serious seizures... he just slept away without any pains. RIP Banshee.
Every time a little kitten angel walks to the rainbow bridge, a part of me goes with it. I so wanted to give this baby as well happiness of playing, growing and life. Some babies are just too beautiful for this world.
Rest four kittens grew up well and are now living in their new homes, besides Blackrock alias A-A, who is staying at our home and we hope him to become a part of our longhair breeding program. Now we just wait to get the female!

A new member joined also our family during 2014 - my longtime dream... white odd-eyed oriental Igu Igu. Thanks Asia for letting this jewel to come to live with us.
It was not easy year for Igu, as she had a severe pyometra and we kept fighting to get it cured. And looks like it worked, as on 18th of December Igu was mated with Miziu and looks like the buns in the oven are cooking well ;)

So that is year 2014 in short for our cattery...

Now it is time to move towards 2015... more about our plans for 2015 coming tomorrow!

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