There is no breed, where no backstabbing, bad mouthing, driving own interests instead of the common interest of breed.. How did such a good hobby, a place to meet others and make connections and get evaluations of cats turn out so wrong that even death threats are present ?! Where lies cover other lies, and the main stars of the day are not cats - but their owners? What has this world turned into, and is there any way to go back? What is the reason for all this?
The reason is... people. Some, instead of thinking this as a fun hobby, come to the shows with their eyes fixed on the best prizes and do not care who comes on their way to get those trophies home. Some just badmouth others who they seem as competition and try to lure their friends turning against them. And for what? For a piece of paper and a trophy to put on the self to gather more dust. Is it really worth it ?
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Are these cups dusting on the bookshelf really worth it all ? |
I just cannot help wondering, why we all just cant get along and if not be best buddies, at least be able to have a conversation in civilized manner. It should not be just about the personal gain of few persons, but it should be about the breeds in general in the show. To get an evaluation by a judge about your cat when compared to the breedstandard and hear how your cat is - and if as a breeder - to also learn how you can improve in the future.
Our cats can be the superchampionmultiworldwinner alikes in our eyes, but it is the eyes of the judge that matter when the cat is placed on the table, and the judge should be able to give his honest opinion and not let any personal issues affect the evaluation. The cat is being evaluated, not the person presenting it!
And when the show is over... usually the rant begins at the internet or in the smaller circles. And here, I do feel sorry for you judges. As if you did not choose as winner the superchampionmultiworldwinner alike some breeder brought to the show, the internet will know about it, and there are always words about "He liked my cat more, but he had to put XX to win as they are friends" or "My cat was better, but YY was a sponsor on this show so ofc he had to put her cat to win". Or... "He has no clue, my cat is just simply better".
I might be bit naive in this, but I truly hope all judges evaluate the cats based on their experience, training and breedstandard. And that the cats are evaluated "as is presented on that very moment". Yes, I know I might live in utopia regarding this, but I am not yet ready to jump down from the fluffy clouds and say that all the catfancy is corrupted. Let me still live in that utopia and keep my faith in the humankind!
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It should be about us - the cats, not about personal gain in the shows! |
This has a long term effect... less people in shows -> less money for showorganizers and clubs. Make the math where that is leading.
What to do then, to make catfancy to be what it used to be, before greed and personal ambitions took over? No one person or a cat (like me) can make the change happen. It has to come from the people involved into this world, to open their eyes and see that all is not well anymore in the catfancy. And to sit down and think how with their own actions they can change it for better, and make it a hobby worth having. Can you do something about it? I am sure you can. This hobby is a great one, it brings people together, and while there is a group of breed lovers together, maybe together they can learn to work as a team and improve the situation of the breed instead of fighting against each other with even the most ridicculous ways.
You cannot be friends with everyone, and for sure everyone has made enemies, but isn't it a time to bury the waraxes before it is too late?
~ Lilith The Mighty Minikitten
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