Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Where is this world going... ?

I do not participate much to human stuff, but sometimes news that I read make me feel very sad.

Expressen in Sweden had an news article about eight youngsters beating up a 61-years old man after abusing his dog. The story in short in english "The man had gone to a store and left his dog outside, after he came back, he noted the youngsters abusing his dog and went to ask what is going on. The youngsters attacked him, and brutally hit and kicked him, even after he fell down unconsious. It is evident, that the man has suffered severe headtrauma and most likely (if he survives) will spend rest of his life in bed. The youngsters has shown no remorse, and have been bragging to their friends about how "cool" it has been. The prosecutor tried to sue them for attempted murder, but these "heroes" are being now sued for brutal assault and according to their attorney, it is still too rough, and instead of jail, they should be placed into childrens home - as it is more humane than jail".
So, beating up a man that suffers for rest of his life by being tied to bed is humane ? And the "heroes" doing this think it is "ok&cool" and walk free ?

I have to admit, I have no idea anymore where this world is going. Why people are doing things like this, and do they not have any sense or morale to actually be able to understand that what they are doing is WRONG. This news made me feel very sad today, I feel sorry for this man. He went there to save his dog and ended up being severely injured to head. And meanwhile, these youngsters see nothing wrong in their doings. For them it has been just a fun game. Court is most likely letting all these kids to walk on the streets.

Where and when did the world go this wrong ? Is this the world we are leaving to our children and grandchildren? Where did common sense and responsibility disappear ?
I cannot stop wondering.
I cannot stop crying.
Is this our legacy for the generations to come ?

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