Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Feliway has arrived

Yesterday evening a courier came home and dropped off a parcel for Mommy and Daddy. Mommy was very excited about it and I heard her saying "YES! Feliway!". I wondered for long what is going on.

The day was bit calmer than day before, I gave up on bashing Mr. Elb, as I have more important things to attend to, like conquering the world as an example. Prios in everything you know! Nano still hates him. Deeply. I can just imagine what happened between those two during my absence.

At evening Mommy plugged in this "miraculous" thing as she called, and sprayed the room with some weird spray. Somehow... I felt more relaxed than ever. It was like walking on a fluffy cloud. Even Mr. Elb went to sleep on his place. Mommy said that it will take time before this thing called Feliway will have bigger effect, but I must admit last night was quite calm between Mr. Elb and Nano, and they both ended up resting. For today daytime Daddy put Mr. Elb to another room. They said that it is better this way so he wont get bashed over nothing, so I am left here with the 2 other girls. I think it is time for proper pyjamaparty with us girls now!

I promised for Mommy to keep you posted about how this Feliway thing is going to work with us.

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