Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Bored Nanomonkey and Mr. Tardus

As I told earlier, Mommys posing picture taking failed and hard today, so she decided just to give up. As a result, she ended up randomly taking pictures of us. I, the Mighty Minikitten, managed to escape this photosession by going to sleep.

Nanomonkey Surgat was again bored and doing her things. When she gets bored, she does ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING to get some attention. Negative or positive.
Mr. El B on the other hand could not care much less of small photosession.

Enjoy the pictures and remember to come back often for more!

I really hope Mommy wont take more pictures for today... but never know of her. She was mumbling something with words "Squishling...fluffy toy...must work..." so I will stand by hiding in my sleeping place and hoping she will give up what ever idea she had!

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