Thursday, April 27, 2017

Statistics from Polish Cat Shows - Chapter #4

And to continue with the statistics, below you can find the data for category III cats. The data is up to 24th of April, 2017.
If you missed the previous statistics, you can find them all from here.

So lets get started!
In total 672 entries. British shorthair, Bengals and Burmas being the most popular breeds to sign up for the show.
60% of the cats signed were female.
And as per with other breeds, most popular classes were 9, 11 and 12.

Black and blue were the most popular colors.

7.7% of  the cats signed were absent on the show day.
Results given were as follows:
Total of 60 BIVs were given, and most of them for BSH.
165 Nominations for Best in Show were given, from which 69 lead to BIS (41.8%)
And here is a list of how many category III cats were signed per judge.
And the percentage of cats who were nominated and achieved Best in Show.

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