Monday, September 21, 2015

RESERVED - Durotan via Nocturna - OSH d 03 24 male


I am Durotan - named after a great hero in World of Warcraft. And a hero I am. I have a loving and purring personality. As the humans are saying, I purr about everything (and loudly!) and I am always ready to cuddle.

I also have different sleeping positions every day. This is my own special trait. I also like watching football from TV and enjoy making a tortilla out of myself by wrapping myself into blankets.

My father is GIC NW14 Mazzystar Catmania, JW (SIA c) and mother is CH LadywithRed Van Crystaltina (OSH f 03 25). You can find my full pedigree from here.

I was born on 10th of May, 2015 and now I am old enough to move to my new home. Will you be my new mommy/daddy?

I have been in couple catshows and below are my results.
13.9 Warsaw, PL - Judge Mr. Irek Pruchniak, PL - result EX 1
12.9 Warsaw, PL - Judge Mrs. Laura Burani-Ferrari - result EX 1, NOM

I can say I am quite handsome boy and I have green eyes. As was told to me by my human slaves, I can be sold as a pet, or for shows or then even for breeding.

If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact my human slave ( for more information.

Best Regards,
Your Purring Machine Durotan

Ma oon Durotan - nimetty World of Warcraft sankarin mukaan. Ja todellinen sankari mina olenkin. Minulla on rakastava ja kehraava persoonaallisuus. Kuten ihmiset sanovat, kehraan joka tilanteessa (ja kovaa!) ja olen aina valmis halikaveriksi.

Minulla on myos joka paivalle oma nukkuma-asento. Tykkaan katsoa televisiosta jalkapalloa ja tehda itsestani tortillan kaarimalla itseni peittoihin.

Isani on GIC NW14 Mazzystar Catmania, JW (SIA c) ja emani on CH LadywithRed Van Crystaltina (OSH f 03 25). Koko sukutauluni loydat taalta.

Synnyin kymmenes toukokuuta, 2015, joten olen nyt valmis muuttamaan uuteen kotiini. Oletko sina uusi aitini/isani ?

Olen myos piipahtanut kissanayttelyissa seuraavin tuloksin.
13.9 Varsova, PL - tuomari Mr. Irek Pruchniak, PL - tulos EX 1
12.9 Varsova PL - tuomari Mrs. Laura Burani-Ferrari - tulos EX 1, NOM

Olen aika komea mies ja minulla on vihreat silmat. Kuten ihmisorjat kertoivat, minut voidaan laittaa matkaan joko lemmikkina, nayttelyihin tai kasvatuskayttoon.

Jos kiinnostuit minusta, niin ota yhteytta ihmisorjaani vaikka sahkopostilla. (

Kehruukoneesi Durotan

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