Thursday, September 4, 2014

The story of two abandoned summer cats...

On Tuesday evening I went for a walk, like almost every other evening. The sun was setting, and I began my walk towards home, planning to enjoy a nice hot shower and watch some tv before going to sleep. For some reason my feet dragged me on to this dark road, and there I did see it. A young cat sitting and wondering the world. At first, I did not pay any attention to it, as there were a lot of strays on the area, even I had never seen this little one before, but after the little cat began following me and second jumped from the bushes... I had to stop and instantly these two came to me purring. I knew, I could not leave them there. I almost ran home, planning to grab some food for them at least, and at the same time thinking what can I do. I cannot bring them home due the disease risk, and I cannot just abandon them - as what was done to them already.

From home I took some food and ran back. The cats were waiting for me and I could hear them purring while their little tails were shaking. I gave them some food and kept thinking how to proceed with these two cats. It was almost night, and I had to head to home and leave them behind. They kept following me, and I had to call my boyfriend asking "what if they follow me home, can I keep them?". Unfortunately both of us knew the answer was no.

All night I spent thinking and crying. These two were so trustful towards humans, that it was only matter of time, when some idiot would come on their way and harm them. Here in Poland has been many cases where a cat has been tortured to death, burned, beaten... And this duo was too friendly and trusting... it was just matter of time when something bad would happen to them.
Here in Poland summer cats are a real problem. People take cats (sometimes even without asking permission from the owners of the kittens - they just steal them!) and then when they return to the city, they cannot keep them and they are abandoned.

At the early morning I woke up to go to work and I was looking at the sides of the roads to see if I could see them. Few darker spots were there, and every time my heart missed a beat as I was afraid of finding one of them dead - hit by a car or worse fate. Luckily, they were just trashes...

The day moved on slowly and I kept thinking for solutions. Many times I realized tears coming to my eyes and kept trying to blink them away. I told about them to my friend, and he said, that he can take them - at least for a while, if not permanently. The tears came from joy now, it was only about few hours and I could go and try catching these babies!

After work I ran to the place I fed them at (others kept feeding the strays here as well), but I could not see them. On the next yard someone was mowing the lawn, and dogs barking. So the kittens might have been hiding.

On that yard, which was unkempt and filled with plants, I saw a box that had air holes punched to it, and which was tied with a rope. From the bottom, I noted that it was clawed open... from the inside. This box was not there few days ago (as I walk there often) and I did not see it in the darkness... but I think I found out how the cats were abandoned here. In a closed box. Left to survive on their own. Sorrow and rage were in my mind and quite a few swearing words came out. The truth hit me hard.

Despite of my efforts for finding the kittens, they were nowhere to be seen, so I just left the food and went home to take care of our spoiled pets.

The dusk came, and in the car we had a bag full of supplies and a box to put the cats in. It was time to began the search for these two. I was worried, I had not seem them for 24h. But we decided to hit the road and start walking and calling. Nothing. We noted an elderly lady feeding the strays and my boyfriend went asking does she know anything. She told that the black smoke had appeared on Saturday and the tortie bit later. She was happy about our plans to rescue the kittens. As soon as they would be just found.

The lady told many stories about the strays, how they came here, how they are like and how they treated them. She spent her days caring for these cats that noone else wanted, followed their life from window and tried to protect them from the cruelty of the world. We decided, that we'll bring her some catfood to feed them and maybe build a shelter or two for the winter months, so they strays can stay warm.

An hour passed... and no kittens. I was getting more and more worried. I told my boyfriend to go home and I decided to walk a bit more on the area. I was talking with my friend on the phone and my feet took me towards a monastery. And there they were! Both running toward me tails shaking and meowing under the fence from the monastery. I just took them to my arms and hugged them and told them, that they do not need to be afraid, ever again. There was food and warm home waiting for both. They just kept purring and let me keep them on my arms without a fight, and I gave a call to my boyfriend to come with car to pick us up. The tears were coming from my eyes. And the blind trust from these two kittens... Maybe they knew they were now safe.

The travel to the vet went without a sound. There we were able to see them better. Both were still very trustful, allowing them to be examined and treated. They both had ear mites, worms and scratches here and there. We got proper medications that will kill every single parasite smaller than a kitten and after checking their sexes (tortie is girl, estimated 4months old, black smoke is boy with one testicle and about 3months old) we were ready to start going to their home.

Upon arrival and releasing them, it took just few minutes and both were walking around the apartment and the Tortie even played a bit with a toy.

With good spirits I left them there for the night. I knew they do not need to be afraid. It was not cold, and they would not feel hunger.

This is a story of two summer cats. A story, that could have had completely different, sad ending. These two kittens were given a gift of Life.
I will keep updating You about these two heroes. Now they will have a week or two of calm times to get adjusted to their new life, and then we'll start with vaccinations and both will be neutered, so there will be no more summer cats being born from these two. And then... if the home wanna keep them, they are welcomed to stay there :)
Yes, it will bring extra expenses for us to pay to treat these two, but can you really put a pricetag on someones life ? No... you cannot.

Now I am sitting here and truly understand how lucky these two littleones were. They did not meet bad people who would have harmed them (besides the @sshole who abandoned them), they do not have to wait outside for the winter to come, fight for their food... and they got a loving home now.

These two are just tip of the iceberg. But you cannot save everyone, even how hard you try. Not before people learn to appreciate cats, neuter the ones not meant for breeding, and stop abandoning them. This requires a huge attitude change - and this is the biggest job.

This was a true story of two summer cats. It has a happy ending... but how many similar kittens are still out there, and not all are so lucky :(

And to the end a text from Lilith the Mighty Minikitten... Cat is for life - not only for summer

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That blacksmoke boy is so handsom. Too bad hes so faraway from finland :( would have been very welcomed to here :) And i allso like very much of that torbie girl! <3

Regards Rica Lumira