Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Warsaw EKKR catshow 31.11-1.12.

Saturday only boys (Warre and Miziu) were present at the show. And it was not a bad day for either one of them. Warre got his certificate and Miziu was BIS.
Here are few pictures of the boys (taken by our good friend Norbert Gront, thanks for him!)

On Sunday, Warre did not get certificate, but we already knew it will happen occasionally. Still, he needs 3 more for his GIC and we plan to finish the title at spring and then try out in class 3 to see how it goes.
Miziu... well, not-so-little Miziu got nominated and was BIS. For next year he needs one more to achieve the title of JW.
And me.... yes, I was dragged to the show as well, and I was BIS housecat. So, feel free to worship me now!
Thanks for the show organizers, the rewards were good and plentiful and special thanks and purrs for our personal cat hanger Anka :)

~ Lilith The Mighty Minikitten

1 comment:

Anka said...

Thank you Lilith for this special Honour :)