Friday, September 20, 2013

SMK Jedynka Housecat parade!

First of all, thank you everyone in SMK Jedynka to make this wonderful even possible on Sunday 15th of September, 2013. It was amazing to see the size of the audience watching this event and also see the wonderful rewards for every single housecat participating (included bed, litter, food etc!). I feel that finally we, the housecats, got the appreciation and recognition we truly deserve, as in many shows we are thought just as the "necessary evil".

Below are just a few of the many pictures about the parade.
The amount of the audience was amazing, it was even bigger than in BIS competition for breed cats!

Me with Mommy in the "Happy Bag" as Stephanie Serrai it called :)

Housecats in the parade

Me getting pats and love

Kitty found a new sleeping place ;)

Me on my new throne, one of the many rewards for housecats in parade :)
I cannot even describe how happy I am about the outcome of this parade. It all began as a small dream but ended up as a huge success. So often housecats are treated as "a must that has to be in shows, even no one cares", but on this day we shown that we are all unique and got our few moments in publicity.
Many people forgets, that often first cat for a person is a housecat. We are the most common "group" of cats in the world and even we do not have fancy pedigrees and names, we are still loved and nothing less than our pedigreed cousins, the breed cats.
Some housecat owners (like mine), get their interest into catshows after going there with their housecats or seeing housecats in the shows. So I really think it is important, that the housecats get to be shown, as there are plenty of people in the audience who might become a new catshow person in the future :)

Once more, I want to thank all the persons in SMK Jedynka for making this dream true and all the persons participating into the parade. Lets make sure this was not just a one time event, but will continue into the future.

Thank you.

~ Her highness, Lilith The Mighty Minikitten

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