Wednesday, March 16, 2011 back online

After some heavy downtime, our website is back online. As soon as Mommy has some time, she promised she will do major updating there and add our blog there too! So please be patient with my favorite slave, she will get it updated soon!

Mommy was telling me about the things happening in Japan. It is quite a pwnage. First huge earthquake, then tsunami, then nuclear plants going kaboom. I cannot help thinking that what next? A Meteoroid ? Many human lives were lost, and the deathtoll is still rising, but noone is making a count of those animal lives lost during these disasters. People of Japan will be needing help, as well as all those animals without shelter or food. There are websites already up in the internet, so please help those, who have nothing to go back to.

And then to something to cheer us up a bit. New pictures, I bet you guys have been waiting to see those!

thats all for today folks! Remember to visit our site often to catch the latest news from Mighty Minikitten.

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